Hey there!
I’m Jillian.

Former fashion industry pro turned Health & Wellness Coach. Lover of rock climbing, healthy cooking, and indulging in Bravo TV while sipping on an almond-coconut latte. 

As a Certified Health & Wellness Coach, I help busy professionals overcome comfort eating habits & have a healthier relationship with food & exercise. That way they can have the energy they need to take care of their families, work, & the other million things they have on their plate.

Any of these hit home?

  • Food is the one constant that gives you comfort & feels good in the moment, but afterwards you feel guilty & stuck in that cycle.

  • You dream of having the confidence to wear the clothes you want to wear & feel excited about getting dressed up again.

  • Reaching for the potato chips, cookies, or a glass of wine (or three) has become part of your evening wind-down routine after a stressful day, but it’s becoming a bit of a bad habit.

  • You’d love a sense of balance when it comes to food & exercise, but it feels like it’s all-or-nothing.

So why focus on your relationship with food & not just hop on the diet trends or quick-fix weight loss meds? 

Here’s the thing — the relationship you have with food matters just as much as WHAT you’re eating. 

You can eat all the kale salads and low-carb this-and-that til the cows come home, or even opt for a doctor-approved weight loss drug. But if you don’t have a healthy relationship with food and exercise, you’re not going to feel your best or have sustainable, long-term success.

Only being told surface-level information on what to eat and when won’t help you when it comes to things like comfort eating or stress eating.

There’s a reason for these eating habits that’s completely valid and has helped you in some way up to this point. But if you want to feel good about your body inside and out and confident in your choices with food, then we have to look at not only WHAT you’re eating, but HOW & WHY. 

Food and exercise aren’t one-size-fits-all, which is why in my signature coaching program we build a personalized plan towards your goals that works for your busy life. We focus on creating sustainable habits around food and exercise as well as mindset so that you have long-term success.  

I GET comfort eating. Caffeine and sugar used to be my “just get me through the day” escape in my previous career, back before I became a certified Health & Life Coach.

I hit my breaking point in an empty stairwell of a Times Square office building…

New York City. 12:15 AM on a Thursday (yes, AM). Silk pins all over the floor.

The photoshoot I was assisting with had run ridiculously late, and I was running back and forth between the 6th and 8th floors. My hustling had caught up with me though because I tripped and spilled my sewing supplies all over the cold cement stairs. 

Imagine playing 52 Card Pickup, but instead with hundreds of hair-thin needles… 

All I could think at that moment was: “I went to a good college and got a BFA in Fashion Design for THIS??!”  (along with a few swear words).

I’d felt stuck for a while, but this was just the icing on the Paris-Baguette-cake.

Feeling stuck, frustrated, and lacking confidence to make a move had finally made me crack. I knew I was meant to do more than run around like a crazy person in the name of polyester!  

My frustration often led to 3pm sugar and caffeine cravings to get me through the workday (I bought way more $7 lattes and croissants than necessary all those years). 

It was comforting in the moment and gave me something to look forward to, but I was wasting money and loading up on more sugar and caffeine than my body needed (thank goodness I was rock climbing so much and eventually quit that job). 

Now as a Health & Wellness Coach, my mission is to help busy professionals break the habit of turning to food for comfort and get their health back on track through 1:1 coaching so they can love their body.

When I help busy professionals get unstuck from the cycle of comfort eating and the guilt that often comes with it, my heart bursts with joy and I light up like a Rockefeller Christmas tree (seriously, I have the BEST job). 

I believe it’s my true purpose to help others in this way. That’s why I quit my career in fashion to pursue something that felt more fulfilling to me and aligned with my desire to put more GOOD out into the world, instead of just more STUFF.

You are capable of feeling strong and confident in your body and trusting yourself when it comes to food.

Sometimes getting unstuck starts with a little help. Once you get the right support, you’ll feel empowered to keep that momentum going.

Just like these clients did…

“I am honestly blown away by how much of an impact these sessions have had on my life.”

— Anita

"Last weekend I was talking to my friend, and she literally stated, "The best thing you ever did was start working with Jillian. The difference I've seen in you in that amount of time is huge." 

— Alice

“I finally feel like I have more control over my body and the choices I make for it. I’m really proud of my body image changing & feeling good about how I look.”

— Jessica

3 fun facts about me for you to nosh on…

1 — I’ve been a rock climber for the past 7 years. 

My husband and I climb at our Hollywood bouldering gym 3x a week.

Discovering rock climbing was what took me from “meh, I should go to the gym” to “Yay! Let’s go to the gym.”

For me, climbing challenges my body as well as my mind. It’s like a puzzle that you solve with your body (plus getting over that fear of heights).

And the most important thing: it feels more like FUN than exercise.

That's the secret to motivation — you have to figure out ways to make your new habits more enjoyable. Which is what I help my clients discover as well.

2 — I made all the bridesmaids dresses for my wedding.

Six dresses.

Each of them different.

And all the girls lived in different states across the country…

My tiny apartment at the time became my own little sweat shop for three months, crafting each dress from scratch so that my friends could have something unique and special.

Determination, stick-to-itiveness, and top-notch problem-solving skills are what got me through.

Those same skills and dedication to quality is also what I bring to my coaching practice every single day.

3 — In high school I accidentally sliced my finger and passed out at my friend's house, hitting my chin on the way down. Blood everywhere.

I can’t stand the sight of blood.

Neither could my friend, she was a little traumatized.

Having a job that would allow me to help people (like a nurse, for example — hats off to nurses!) was always something I thought of but knew I didn’t have the stomach for.

Now as a Health & Wellness Coach, I get to help my clients…but without all the blood! It's a win-win.

Here’s a couple of ways I can help:

When food is your go-to fix for comfort or stress relief, making good choices with food can be a challenge. 

My clients found they had more energy and made better food choices throughout the day once they started prepping their breakfasts & snacks ahead of time, so I put a list of ideas together for you.

You’ll also get my weekly newsletter to inspire and help you transform your relationship with food & exercise so you can have the energy, confidence, & consistency you’re craving.

Get my FREE 9 Healthy Snack & Breakfast Ideas:


Want more 1:1 support?
Learn more about how we can work together:


 Let’s get social! Join me on Instagram @jillianbeckrogers