Frequently Asked Questions

What type of clients do you work with?

I work with busy professionals who are tired of repeatedly turning to food for comfort and not feeling truly satisfied. They’re ready to try building healthier habits with food and exercise so they can:

  • Feel good about their body inside & out without stressing over a number on the scale

  • Trust themselves when it comes to food & feel in tune with their body

  • Have more energy to take care of their family & themselves instead of feeling exhausted all the time

  • Build momentum & consistency with new healthy habits that improve their life & make them glow with confidence

Not sure if that’s you? Read this and see if it resonates. 

All sessions are online, which means we can work together from just about anywhere in the world (I’m based in Los Angeles). I’ve had clients all over the US, Australia, and the UK!

How are you different from other Health Coaches?

Many health coaches focus primarily on diet and exercise, which are important, but that’s only part of the picture. My program is a holistic approach to health and wellness, and many of the areas we’ll explore together go far beyond the traditional “eat this, do that.” 

I’m a Certified Health & Life Coach, and that combination is the approach I take with my coaching. You can’t make lasting changes with your health if you don’t look at all the other areas of your life as well. That’s why we spend a lot of time in my program looking at where you’re spending your time and energy so you can do LESS in order to make MORE room for your self care.

Here’s my big thing:

I care more about helping you build a healthier relationship with food and moving your body rather than worrying about it looking exactly one way. That’s why I don’t hand off a precise nutrition plan or workout routine that you HAVE to follow (I do provide resources to support you & give suggestions for nutrition & exercise though, depending on your needs). Because it’s not a one-size-fits-all.

I take my signature coaching program and tailor it to your needs so it works for your busy life and you feel empowered. I introduce a new lesson and exercise in every session, so it’s a fun and interactive experience where you’re always learning something new. 

I also GET comfort eating first hand. Caffeine and sugar used to be my “just get me through the day” escape in my previous career, back before I became a certified Health & Life Coach. You can learn more about my story here.

How long have you been doing what you do and how did you get to be a Health & Wellness Coach?

I became a Certified Health & Life Coach in 2021 after almost a decade in the NYC fashion industry. 

I quit my job in fashion design/production during the pandemic (hello Great Resignation!) after years of feeling called to do something else. I dreamed of being in fashion since I was a kid, but the reality was it didn’t align with who I was anymore as an adult. I wanted a career that felt fulfilling to me and allowed me to put more good out into the world, rather than just more sh*t. 

Health and wellness has always been a passion of mine, especially when it comes to nutrition, healthy cooking, and movement. Everything clicked when I discovered the transformative power of coaching, and the rest is history!

For me, coaching isn’t just another job. It feels like a calling and a deeper purpose. When I see my clients succeed and finally love themselves in a way they haven’t been able to in a long time, there is seriously no greater feeling.

I want to do this, but I’m not sure if I can afford it. Are there payment plans?

First off, I totally get it and respect that concern (I’ve said the same thing before investing in a program). 

Let me ask you this: If money weren’t an issue, is this something you’d be interested in? 

If the answer is YES, then consider this: Most of us don’t have money for everything, but we do have money for the most important things. 

So the question is, is this really important to you? What are all the potential gains that could outweigh the cost? 

On a more practical level, take a moment and think about what you regularly spend as a result of feeling stressed/bored/etc (and this is NOT a place for judgment, just awareness)… 

Daily Starbucks runs? A few bottles of wine to get through each week? Lots of takeout vs cooking at home? Unused memberships? 

What’s one thing you spend a lot of money on each month that isn’t serving you? Is it possible that could be put towards your new goals?

I offer a monthly payment plan for private coaching that you can choose to end anytime after the 3-month minimum, rather than a large one-time payment for a set amount of months (many coaches charge this way).

If you have any concerns, I’m happy to answer your questions and help you decide — with zero guilt or pressure — what’s right for you in the Intro Coaching Call.

What is expected of me if I become a client?

The clients I work with are ready to prioritize themselves and open to trying new things. I always say “success doesn’t happen with the POOF of a magic wand” (I wish it did!). The truth is it takes patience and persistence.  

My job is to hold space and help you through any challenges so you can move forward and feel empowered. In order to reap the most reward, I encourage you to get curious and be open. That being said, my clients’ trust and privacy is of the utmost importance to me, and I’ve been told I’m an easy person to talk to!

Who does your program NOT work for?

My program is not for those who aren’t ready to put in the work and make themselves a priority. Those who are unwilling to show up to sessions consistently and on time or make more excuses than they do effort — this program is not for them. I’m here to guide you every step of the way, but ultimately you hold the power in your transformation. 

What exactly is your program and what does it include?

My signature coaching program is tried-and-tested and tailored to your needs to get you unstuck and moving towards your goals. 

You’ll have the right support and accountability to help you uncover what’s behind the comfort eating and how to break the habit so you can feel good about your body, find a healthier relationship with food & exercise, and have the energy, confidence, & consistency you’re craving.

My goal in every client session is to support you so that you feel seen and heard with zero judgment and leave feeling motivated and empowered to take the next step.

In my 1:1 Program you’ll have:

  • Private coaching designed to help you go from stuck in a rut to feeling more confident & fitting better in your clothes again.

  • Accountability from me each week so you can stay on track and feel that sense of accomplishment knowing you followed through on your food & workout plan.

  • Structure & support so you can stay motivated and consistent, even when shit hits the fan and things don’t go according to plan.

How We Make That Happen:

  • 1:1 coaching sessions every other week on a month-to-month basis for as long as you need.

  • The opportunity to get support from me in between sessions if you’re having an off week, as well as personal check ins to help you stay on track. 

  • Lessons & sensory exercises in our coaching sessions to give you new tools & information to help cultivate better habits. 

  • Various handouts, recipes, & resources curated for you so you have exactly what you need every step of the way.

Will this work for me?

The process is transformative and powerful, but you get out of it what you put into it. I will show up for you 100% and use every tool in my toolbox to help you reach your goals. If you show up and commit to the process, there’s no reason this can’t work for you too! 

It’s also worked for a lot of other busy professionals like yourself. Make sure you read my Testimonials to see what other clients have experienced! 

What results can I expect?

You can expect to:

  • Discover what your vision is for your overall health & relationship with food

  • Discover your WHY (the real underlying reason why this matters)

  • Clear the clutter (emotional & physical) to make room for all the good things that are coming 

  • Improve your relationship with food by:

    • Uncover what’s behind the comfort eating & what to do instead so you’re not feeling deprived 

    • Letting go of the all-or-nothing mentality with food & exercise 

    • Discovering not just WHAT to eat, but HOW to eat to optimize your metabolism

  • Improve your overall wellness by looking at other ways to nourish your mind, body, and soul apart from food, with things like: 

    • Movement

    • Intentional Breathing & Meditation 

    • Sleep & Rest 

    • Fun & Pleasure 

  • Learning how to better prioritize and set boundaries for less stress & more success

  • Getting honest about what’s going well — and what’s not working — in your career, relationships, spiritual connection, etc.  

  • Learning how to ask for what you want and receive support 

  • Seeing how good it feels to make your well-being a priority — for your life as well as your family

Let’s just say it goes much further beyond just food & exercise!

How can I be sure I’ll get results?

In a nutshell: COMMIT.  

If you’ve tried other strategies in the past that were unsuccessful (ie diets, calorie-counting, unused gym memberships, etc) it’s likely that you didn’t get the right support, accountability, or system that worked best for you at that time.

My coaching program is different from many other health coaches because it allows you to look at all the pieces of the puzzle rather than just one area. That way you can make lasting changes. How we do everything is connected.

YOU truly hold the power to your success. If you’re as committed as I am to you, then you’re sure to get positive results.

Based on everything I’ve read and heard, I know I’d like to work with you. How do I get started?

Congratulations on making this decision for yourself! I’m honored and excited to guide you through this coaching experience. 

Here’s how to get started:

  • Schedule your free Intro Coaching Session here 

  • Fill out the intake questionnaire 

  • During the video call, we’ll uncover what your vision is for your health, what it is you want, what’s getting in your way, and a plan for moving forward, whether or not that’s with me. 

  • If by the end of our call I believe I can help you with your goals, I’ll tell you more about how you can enroll as a Client so you can decide if it’s right for you.

How long do clients typically work with you?

It depends on each client’s preference and what their goals are. Some clients work with me for 3-6 months and accomplish what they need, but many clients work with me for a year+ for continued support and accountability.

Once you reach one goal, you might find new goals you want to uplevel and work towards. There’s always room for more growth!

I also have a “maintenance plan” available for continued support after you’ve gone through my initial program.

Ok, I’m ready to do this, but I have a couple more questions. Can I ask them in our Intro Coaching Session?

Absolutely! We’ll cover your questions at the end of the call, plus it will give you a sneak peek into what coaching with me is like.

Schedule a time that works for you here.

 Learn more about how we can work together